Rodent Barostat

Distender IIR Rodent Barostat

Unique Features
-World’s only dual miniature barostat
-Dual 50 mL cylinders built-in (optional 20 mL)
-0.050 mL resolution
-100 mmHg pressure range
-2nd Generation based on G&J Electronics’   Distender Series II™
-Built-in keypad and operator display for basic barostat control
-Truly Standalone for basic barostat functions
-Simple Serial Port communication with host computer
-Chart recorder analog outputs for connection to digital/analog recording equipment
-Protocol Plus™ advanced distension software for Win10/Win8/Win7/XP
-Optical positioned drive system

Protocol Plus™ Distension Software
-Tested and in use worldwide
-Easy to learn and understand
-Rapid design of distension sequences
-Protocol Builder allows for automation of complete experiments
-Auto resume after overpressure condition
-Easy to back up study results
-Waveform viewer
-Open file formats
-On-site training
-Telephone, e-mail
-Deal directly with G&J Electronics’ Engineering staff for prompt response

Customization of Software and Barostats
-Usually done at no charge

G&J Electronics has an extensive worldwide customer base at leading institutions that can be drawn on to participate in multi-center drug trials.